08 April 2017

Driving Safety Tips for Teen Drivers

Teen Drivers: One of the Most Dangerous Times of their Lives

One of the markers that confirm a teenager’s path to adulthood is almost complete is when they get their driver’s license and are able to head out onto the highway.

It is also a point in their life when they are most vulnerable and likely to be involved in an accident that is caused by lack of experience, irresponsible driving behavior, or both. Young drivers who are still inexperienced may be driving out of their adrenalin rush without being responsible and safe not only to themselves but to the other motorists and pedestrians.

This resource looks at the statistics relating to teen drivers and offers some useful insights and tips aimed at teens and their parents that could help them to stay safer behind the wheel. And here are some tips to help young teens who are just starting to get behind the wheel and still building up their confidence in driving.

Drive with an adult supervision

For the young teen driver, this may defeat the purpose of having a driver's license when you cannot drive on your own yet. The adult supervision is only temporary until such time that the young teen is ready to drive more responsibly and maturely on his own.

Avoid distractions

Having a license is not a go-signal for the young driver to be multi-tasking and getting distracted on the road while driving. Avoid checking the mobile phone, talking or texting, or even chatting with your passengers. The primary responsibility of the teen driver is to be safe to himself and to other motorists and pedestrians. There is no room for getting distracted with trivial things. It pays to be alert at all times. 

Buckle up

This is the universal rule for drivers and driving in general. Whether you are already an experience young driver or just starting out, no one is exempted to this rule. Everyone needs to wear their seat belts while inside the vehicle and under no circumstance that this should be disregarded for everyone's safety.

Do not speed up

Follow the speed rules on the road. The license is not to be used to drive a fast car much as a teen's adrenalin calls for it.  It is advisable for the adults to set example so that the young driver will pick it up and practice himself.

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